Meet Pastor Kelly Addy
Thank you for calling me to serve as your pastor. I am grateful for the opportunity to preach, share, and do my part to share the word with each other and with our community. I look forward to getting to know you and your community. I hope we can share our hopes and our dreams and our stories with each other. I grew up in Shelby, where Jack Kenyon was a paper customer of mine. I went to Montana State University (Go, Cats!) and Georgetown Law Center in Washington, D.C. before I entered the Army for a four-year tour as an Army lawyer, in Alabama then Korea. I could not wait to get back to Montana and am grateful that I have been able to spend my life here. I have been an attorney in private practice in Billings and a deputy City Attorney for the City of Billings for civil matters. I served four terms in the Montana House of Representatives, and was a colleague, first, of Vern Saunders, and later, of Vern Keller. [Editor’s note - Jack Kenyon and these two Verns have Columbus connections.] I heard the call to the ministry in 2000 and completed the Course of Study to become a Licensed Local Pastor at Wesley Theological Seminary in Washington, D.C. I served as the pastor at Huntley United Methodist Church for 14 years and at Bigfork Community United Methodist Church for 6 years. I served Evangelical United Methodist Church in Billings in 2024 until I accepted your call. I bring those experiences and whatever gifts I can share to our church. We have much to do, and I look forward to being with you in that work.